Saturday 4 May 2013

War of the Weeds

It was a delightfully sunny day today and as we approached the allotment we talked dreamily of relaxing on our new bench and enjoying our new view. Yet as we arrived and surveyed the sun-parched soil beds, our gasts were flabbered by the sight of a stickyweed blanket over our crops. The weeds had invaded! As we bravely begun the battle of man vs weed, we strained to think of childhood memories of stickyweed and a strategy to defeat them. Our initial pull tactics seemed to be successful and we eventually cleared the herb bed of all remaining weeds. As we surveyed the bare soil before us, our sweaty bodies tired from our toil, we began the clean-up operation by heaping the weeds onto the compost bin. We had reclaimed the herb bed. The first battle had been won but the war had only just begun...

Oh and we also found some time afterwards to put up our bean poles and repair the compost bin!

The bean poles are up!
The compost bin...fixed.

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